Fabric Craft

Fabric Peocock with Embellishment Work

This work of a peacock is the outcome of what I took fancy on, some day when I visited my village and saw several peacocks on the neem trees.
Peacock, which is one of the most beautiful birds in the world and holds the charm to attract so many eyes, has been my inspiration for quite some time. As I cannot tame a peacock, I have tried to make a replica of it by using pieces of fabrics, chamki & kundans, glitering borders, sparlkles, and springs.
Here are a few close ups of each part of the peacock.


Fabric Flower Art

This is another another craft piece made of fabric. Here I have made use of two main colours; maroon and off-white, and added a tinge of blue that gives the punch to it. The other embellishments include sparkles and chamki work.

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